7 Sunday Sticking Cupboard Sneak Peaks - Day 7

Welcome back to the last sticking cupboard Sunday blog post where I will be sharing how I store and display colouring pens and pencils to add decoration to a room and provide easy access for creativity.

In our house colouring pens and pencils are used really regularly therefore they need to be accessible for everyone. To store colouring pens and pencils in a budget friendly way I washed up jam jars and removed the labels, the jars were all different heights, shapes and sizes which provided a really lovely contrasting affect. I separated each individual packet of pens, pencils or highlighters into an individual jar to keep the same types of pens together to create a uniformed look.

You can just display the pencils and pens in jars along a window sill or low shelf for the children to take a jar to the table and draw with the pens before independently returning it, implementing a Montessori ethos. Or alternatively you could store the jars of pens in a box which makes transporting all of the pens and pencils to the table easier and provides a wider selection to choose from at one time. You could buy a box to do this with or a budget friendly option is cover an old shoe box with brown paper and decorate it like I have done.

Once I wrapped the shoe box in brown paper I copied a flower design from Pinterest on to the box using a fine tipped felt tip pen to make it look professional, intricate and delicate to display. Think about the colour theme of your room when choosing the coloured pens to make it fit in and ensure that it is unique for your room.

I hope that this budget friendly homemade pen and pencil storage has inspired you to get creative and organise your craft resources. If you missed last weeks sticking cupboard Sunday post you can catch up now - 7 Sunday Sticking Cupboard Sneak Peaks - Day 6

I hope you have enjoyed the last 7 weeks of sticking cupboard Sunday posts, receive updates on my next blog posts on Instagram
Save this idea for later on Pinterest
