The Good Samaritan Children's Ministry

The good samaritan is a fantastic thought provoking bible story for all ages to learn from. To explore this story with children I have put together a few activities that promote kindness and caring for one another.

We started the learning with a gluing and sticking craft. The idea of the craft was for the children to show kindness, empathy and care by gluing bandages on to the paper people to make them feel better, mirroring the story of the good samaritan. This craft provided a perfect opportunity to talk to the children about how they can be kind, times when they have been hurt and people cared for them and how we can pass on that love and care for others.

For this craft you will need:
  • Coloured card (we used green)
  • Paper cut into the shape of a person
  • PVA glue and glue spreaders for sticking
  • Bandages cut into strips
  • Crayons to add details

I also set up a doctors role play area using blankets, cushions and medical play equipment. We used role play to tell the story of the good samaritan to help the children learn how to put the story into action. I read from the children's bible and the children acted out the story as I read it. One of the children was unwell lying on the floor and the others walked past until eventually one of them stopped and took the child who was unwell to the hospital role play set up and together the children made the child feel better. Excellently demonstrating kindness, care and empathy.

This activity developed into a doctors role play and the children had great fun taking it in turns to be cared for and care for others. Effectively learning and putting into practice the main aim of the story.

I hope you feel inspired to teach children the importance of being kind and caring as demonstrated in the bible!

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