7 Sunday Sticking Cupboard Sneak Peaks - Day 3

Welcome back to the third sticking cupboard Sunday where I will be sharing another sneak peak into my craft cupboard. Giving you ideas of resources to save and store, how to get hold of them and most importantly different creative ideas on how you can use the resources.

Day 3 of 7 Sticking Cupboard Sunday Sneak Peaks - Paper plates, Photo frame, CD's, Pipe cleaners, Crate paper, Air art, Patterned card and Little jars and Boxes.

To break down the resources in this draw I have split them into 4 photos.

1. Basic Craft Resources - Pipe cleaners and coloured crate paper can be easily picked up from your local craft store and paper plates from a super market.

There are many ways to use pipe cleaners such as making people, animals and shapes. Crate paper is fantastic tactile material that can give depth to collages and be used as a background to make pictures stand out. Paper plates are incredibly useful for putting crafts such as clay pots or painted stones on making it easy for them to be sent home with children from events, paper plates can also be transformed into different animals such as fish or elephants and they can be used as paint pallets for an easy clean up.

2. Interesting items - Card from packaging, patterned card from diary's, calendars and packaging, photo frame from charity shop, sticker labels from stationary shop and CD from supermarket.

Card can be used for backing puppets and small drawings to make them last longer. CD's can be great fun to draw on because of their reflective surface. Photo frames can be an excellent object to add to a home corner or alternatively, cover the frame in a paper to repurpose it or children could draw pictures to display in their room. Patterned card is perfect for adding detail to homemade birthday cards and thank you cards. Finally, sticky labels are extremely useful for labelling items so they do not get lost.

3. Boxes and jars - Save tubes and small boxes and jars from packaging like matches, jam and hot chocolate.

You could use the tube to make a telescope. Small boxes can become beds for small world people and animals. Jars can be decorated and used to hold tea light candles or sweeties. Or they are all great junk modelling resources. The possibilities are endless!

4. Art supplies - Coffee filters that can be picked up from your local supermarket. Air art was from a craft shop many years ago.

Air art is such a fun art activity, you squeeze air at a coloured pen and watch as the colour spreads across the page. You can use stencils to control the colour and get an interesting affect. Coffee filters are fantastic for colour experiments. Put a dot of colour using a coloured pen on to the coffee filter then add a drop of water and watch the colour expand and mix with other colours. To make this into an activity take a look at my previous blog post Coffee Filter Butterflies

I hope you have enjoyed this sneak peak into my sticking cupboard and I hope you feel inspired to make your own craft cupboard. If you missed last weeks sticking cupboard Sunday post you can take a look now - 7 Sunday Sticking Cupboard Sneak Peaks - Day 2

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