Nature Hearts

As we are in another national lockdown here in the UK, a great way to get children immersed in nature during our daily walk allowance is by putting together a simple and free nature heart activity to keep them entertained and active.

To make this, dig around in your recycling and cut a heart shape out of a cardboard box. Like us you probably have plenty of boxes from all the deliveries as we can not go shopping during lockdown! Find 3 elastic bands preferably in 3 different sizes and cut slits at either end of the heart shape where you would like to position them, this will help the elastic band hold in place and not slip. That is the base of your nature heart complete, made for free with items from around the home.

Now you are ready to go on a lovely nature walk collecting little leaves, flowers and interesting nature materials. Simply tuck the nature materials into the elastic band to hold them securely. This is a great way to improve fine motor skills. Build up the nature heart as much as you want to until it looks lovely and full.

This is a great craft to inspire families to get active outside and explore nature it can also double up as a sweet gift to leave on a friends door step to let them know they are loved during this strange time.

I hope you enjoy joining in with this craft!

For more fun weekly crafts and activities follow along on Instagram

Save this idea for later on Pinterest
