Autumnal Finger Painting

At this time we begin to see the seasons changing, leaves changing colour and falling off of the trees. A great way to explore this with children is through art.

All you need for this autumnal finger painting activity:

  • Paper
  • Brown pen
  • Red and orange paint
Begin by drawing out a tree trunk on the paper or alternatively you could print one out. This is a perfect opportunity to talk to the children about winter and what the trees look like after the leaves have fallen off to prepare for the cold weather.

Maybe complete this activity after going on a beautiful autumnal walk and looking at the colours of the leaves. Or alternatively look online or in books to find some pictures of the colourful autumn leaves for inspiration. Talk about the colours of the leaves and why they are that colour during autumn. The children can then get creative by dipping their fingers into the red and yellow paint and dabbing them on to the the paper to make colourful finger print leaves on the tree. You can discuss the texture of the paint and what it feel like. Encourage the children to mix the yellow and red paint to create orange and brown, exploring colour mixing and how colours are made.

To extend this activity even further you could make a tree to represent each season to visually see how the trees change through out the year. This is such an interesting topic for children to learn about and a fantastic way for them to get creative and explore it.

I hope you will enjoy making your own autumnal finger paintings!

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