Leaf Creepy Crawlies

Autumn is such a wonderful season to include nature with in activities and crafts. To make your own leaf creepy crawlies you will need to go on a lovely autumnal walk and collect some interesting sticks, pinecones, conkers, acorns and beautifully coloured leaves.

On your walk see if you can find any interesting insects to inspire your leaf creepy crawlies. You can also get ideas from nature books and online. Maybe you could learn a few facts about different insects and recreate your favourite creepy crawlies using the collected leaves.

You can complete this activity at home or outside. Lay out the different leaves and nature resources you have collected, to look like different insects such as beetles, ladybirds, caterpillars and butterflies. Think of the colours of the different insects and how the coloured leaves and nature can represent this, such as choosing similar leaves to make a symmetrical butterfly.

Explore the colours, textures and smells of the different types of leaves encouraging the children to use their scenes and descriptive words. Maybe you could also identify which trees the different leaves have come from. Creating a perfect forest school topic.

There are many different ways you can carry out this activity. You can simply lay out the leaves and different nature items to look like insects and enjoy the freedom to add to them in the outdoor environment, take a photo then leave them for others to enjoy. Making this activity mess free, environmentally friendly and achievable without any planned and prepared resources. Alternatively you can collect leaves on your walk and bring them home for a gluing and sticking activity. Using PVA glue to stick the leaves to paper in the shape of insects, adding details using coloured pens and different craft resources.

I hope you enjoy making your own leaf creepy crawlies!

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