Mud Art

Mud art is a fantastic messy activity to get children of all ages outside and exploring nature as well as getting creative. This is a perfect activity to try out this summer or incorporate into a forest school activity program.

All you need to join in with this mud art activity is some mud which can be mixed from soil and water of found outside. You will need some small interesting recycled materials to add decoration and details to your mud art such as buttons, bottle top lids and pull can tabs. Or alternatively to make mud art nature based use flowers, stones, sticks and leaves to add decoration.

Begin by using your hands to sculpt the mud into a shape of your choice, we decided to make faces and people but let the children use their imagination and creativity to design their own mud art creation. We used wooden posts of a little hut to make our mud art people on. However you could use the side of a bench, the floor or a wooden board. Once you are happy with the shape of your mud art sculpture add small details and decorations such as buttons or flowers to bring your mud art to life. 

Once you have completed your mud art activity either collect the mud up and make another sculpture or leave it to dry for others to enjoy for a few days. Remember to collect any buttons or bottle top lids used and dispose of them correctly to limit litter.

This activity is brilliant for introducing children to new senses and providing them with the freedom and a safe space to get muddy and dirty without limits as well as supporting their imagination and creativity.

I hope you enjoy having a go at this mud art activity!

I would love to see photos of your nature based activities over on Instagram
Save this idea for later on Pinterest
