Giant Skipping Rope Summer Activity

An activity that children are guaranteed to love this summer is playing with a giant skipping rope. This activity provides so many different learning opportunities, gets everyone involved and active outdoors and it is budget friendly to put together.

There are so many different ways to use a giant skipping rope, here are a few ideas:
  1. Have one person at each end of the skipping rope turning in and up to 3 children in the middle jumping.
  2. Try running in and out of the rope with out getting court.
  3. Challenge the children with doing different jumps as they skip over the rope such as hopping, star jumps or jumping round in a circle.
  4. Sing and act out the teddy bear song whilst jumping seeing if you can get to the end of the song before tripping over, here is more information on the song - Teddy Bear Skipping Game
  5. Sing the apple jam tart rhyme then say the alphabet and which ever letter the child trips over on they have to think of a boys name, here is the rhyme - Apple Jam Tart Skipping Rhyme. Or alternatively say the alphabet as the child jumps then ask them to think of a food, friend, animal or place beginning with the letter they trip on supporting literacy and letter recognition.
  6. The snake game is an excellent activity to include young children. Put the skipping rope on the floor and wiggle it like a snake, the children have to successfully jump over the moving snake. To add to this game you could ask the children to shout out colours, letters or numbers as they jump over to incorporate academic learning with a physical activity.
  7. Hold the skipping rope at each end as a limbo bar and challenge the children to limbo under the rope making it get lower and lower each time.
  8. Have 2 children holding the rope and jumping together as you would use a smaller skipping hope challenging them to work together and stay in time with each other.

Learning and development opportunities
Giant skipping rope activities have so many different learning opportunities such as teaching children to work together as a team when turning the rope and running in and out. Promoting physical development, gross motor skills and coordination as they jump. This activity also provides opportunities to learn new songs and count how many jumps the children can do. Being active outside is also proven to have many positive health and wellbeing impacts for children.

How to get a giant skipping rope
A giant skipping rope is really easy to get hold of and very budget friendly making it accessible for everyone. Ask in your local DIY store for 3 meters of rope. This is all you need for a giant skipping rope. We keep ours hanging up with the coats for easy access. 

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