Giant Paper Aeroplane Challenge

A fantastic way to keep children entertained during lockdown or on a rainy day is by setting challenges. One challenge that is particularly fun and unusual is working together to make a giant paper aeroplane.

This is a great challenge to include all ages and parents with in the family home, challenge friends over zoom or as an activity to keep clubs and children's social groups active and bring everyone together.

You can be as creative as you can to make your giant paper aeroplane, there is only one rule - it has to be made out of paper. It does not have to be able to fly. The winner is the family who makes the biggest paper aeroplane, ours was 2m 82cm by 1m 47cm. If you are completing this challenge independently try and make it bigger than ours!

To make this giant paper aeroplane we used newspapers and sticky tape. Making it cheap and accessible for everyone to get involved. We began by sticking all of the newspaper together to create a giant sheet of paper. Then we started constructing the aeroplane.

We chose to make a simple paper aeroplane to allow for all ages to get involved and to make it easier on a larger scale. This provides the perfect opportunity to introduce children to following instructions and working together as a team. As well as promoting physical development as the children fold the large piece of paper and move around the construction.

Once you have constructed the giant paper aeroplane, to support maths learning and development help the children to measure the aeroplane using a tape measure looking at the different numbers and for older children introduce units of measurements such as meters and centimetres. To reinforce this learning further the children can measure themselves against the giant paper aeroplane to get an idea of the size and scale of their creation.

I hope you enjoy this fun family friendly challenge!

I would love to see if you can make a paper aeroplane bigger than ours, tag me in your photos on Instagram
Save this idea for later on Pinterest
