The Lost Sheep Children's Ministry

The lost sheep is a brilliant story to explore God's love for each and every one of us and show children how much God cares for them. 

I looked at the story of the lost sheep with children aged from 0 to 5 years old. I began by telling the story from a story box, setting a scene and producing different objects to bring the story together and provide the children with a visual aid. 

Objects with in my lost sheep story box included:
  •  The bible
  •  Green grass mat
  •  A playmobil Shepherd
  •  Small world sheep
  •  1 lost sheep still in the box for the Shepherd to find
The children really engaged with this story and showed joy when the lost sheep was found and I went on to explain that God will never give up on us and he will always find us when we get lost.

To lead on from this the children made lost sheep posters to try and find the missing sheep. For this, I drew out and photocopied a lost sheep poster for the children to decorate using cotton wool, stickers and crayons. Supporting the children's creativity, imagination and fine motor skills as they glued and peeled the backing off of the stickers.

As the children finished the craft activity they played with a small world set up I put together of a sheep pen and shepherd's. Once all of the children had moved on to exploring the small world play I exclaimed that some of the Shepherd's sheep had got lost and that the children needed to be shepherds like God to go and find the lost sheep and bring them home to the small world sheep pen.

The children searched for and found 20 pompom sheep I had hidden around the sports hall and safely returned them to the small world sheep pen set up. But there was still one more sheep missing! We hunted for the last lost sheep showing care for every last sheep like God cares for every one of us, the lost sheep was hidden in a tiny secret hide away spot.

Once the lost sheep was found we all celebrated by dancing and singing to children's worship music and playing musical instruments. The children had lots of fun and really engaged well with the activities resulting in a good level of understanding of God's love for them.

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