Jacob's Deam Children's Ministry

The story of Jacob's dream found in the bible is a great way to teach children that God keeps his promises. I themed play and activities around this story to support children's understanding. I set up different purposeful areas around the room to make a clear transition between activities, using mats on the floor to make the activities accessible for all ages and abilities.

I worked with children aged between 0 to 5 years old. I began by telling the story of Jacob's dream reading from a children's bible and using props to engage the children's imagination. The props were also available to play with after the story providing the children with the opportunity to recreate the story in their own way.

Props I used:
  •  Rock
  •  Playmobil man
  •  Small world angel
  •  Ladder from a toy set
Once I had finished reading the story and using the props as visual aids I reinforced the learning by explaining to the children that God can speak to us in lots of different ways such as in dreams and like in the story God always keeps his promises.

We then completed a craft activity that the children can take home to remind them of the story of Jacob's dream. We made ladders out of lollipop sticks with tissue paper rocks at the base and angel and star stickers at the top. The children really enjoyed this activity, naming the different colour lollipop sticks, independantly using the glue sticks, improving fine motor skills when peeling the back off of the stickers and having the sensory experience of scrunching up the tissue paper to make rocks.

To make this craft you will need:
  •  Blue card as the base.
  •  Coloured lollipop sticks to make the ladder.
  •  Grey tissue paper to make rocks.
  •  Angel and star stickers.
  •  Glue sticks.
  •  Crayons for the children to add their own details.

After the craft the children all went into a tent which had blankets and pillows inside and pretended to go to sleep like Jacob did in the story and we played sleeping lions.

The children really enjoyed these activities and the theme of Jacob's dream, exploring how God can speak to us and that God always keeps his promises. Sharing their learning with parents when they took their craft home. I hope you enjoy these activities as much as we did!

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