Nature Crowns

Making crowns using nature is such a fun activity to get children outdoors and exploring. This can be done from your own garden or to keep children occupied on a family walk. Nature crowns incorporates nature with craft and creativity encouraging children to explore creation and the world we live in.

To make you own nature crown all you need is:
  • Paper measured to the correct size of your child's head and for extra detail you can cut out triangles to give it a party hat affect.
  • Either use double sided sticky tape or alternatively make a large loop with sticky tape to make it sticky on each side and attach to the hat to make collecting nature simple.
  • Then go on a nature walk or explore your garden.

To make collecting nature and arranging your nature crown simple there are several different ways of doing this craft. You could take a bag on a walk with you to fill with colourful nature and transform it into a crown when you return home. However, always remember to collect nature that is on the floor, do not pick leaves and flowers off of plants. On the other hand, you could stick the nature you find to the crown and arrange it as a fun activity in your garden. I would recommend doing this with the crown flat as it makes it easier to do on a flat surface. Or alternatively, wear the crown on a walk and stick nature on it as you go, watching your design evolve. 

Try and add a variety of different coloured and textured pieces of nature to create your nature crown making them beautiful, unique and interesting. To expand learning look at the different colours you can find and research what the different flowers are called or which trees the leaves came from.

I hope you enjoy this nature themed activity and can get outside to explore!

I would love to see pictures of your nature crowns on Instagram
Save this idea for later on Pinterest
